Privacy Sharon Bauer Privacy Sharon Bauer

R.I.P.: Re-Imagine Privacy Through a Trust Lens

Consumers have succumbed to the lack of privacy they have, and have come to terms that they must give up their information to participate in society and remain relevant. They know their information is ‘out there’ and they are not getting it back. They know that short of living in a cave, this way of life will not change. Privacy is dead. A reckoning is coming in which consumers will search for companies that are responsible with consumer information. They are searching for companies they can trust. Only those companies that are proactive in re-imagining privacy will remain relevant, profitable, and future-ready for a reckoning that is coming.

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Best Practice Sharon Bauer Best Practice Sharon Bauer

Building Blocks to Earning Trust: The 4 C’s

Companies are so focused on collecting data because of its value that they often neglect something that is even more valuable because of its rarety - TRUST. This article discusses the four building blocks to earning trust, which will result in a company being more profitable, more relevant and future-ready for a data paradigm shift that is coming. When a company implements these four building blocks - Clarity, Culture, Craft and Communication - it will have a competitive advantage.

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